General Description

The workplan is based on the following ingredients:
  • a three-layered architecture (tool environment)

  • a methodology will complement the tool helping to bridge the gap between information needs and information sources.

  • Both the methodology and the toolkit will be evaluated in three significant case-studies:

    • Swiss Life provides an excellent testbed for a large-scale and in-depth case study on applying methods and tools to organisation memories of enterprises
    • BT provides a very interesting case study on applying our methods and techniques for a call centre (help desk).
    • Enersearch provides an advanced case study on how to organise future companies as virtual enterprises.

List of Workpackages

View the description of the workpackages by clicking the WP-number and see how they are scheduled over the duration of the project.

Workpackage Title Main partner
Developing tools for Ontology Construction and Interchange VU
WP2 Developing support in Information extraction CognIT
WP3 Developing an infrastructure for Information representation AIdministrator
WP4 Developing various means for Information access BT
WP5 Methodology and Management Guidelines AIFB
WP6 A case study on Organisational memory Swiss Life
WP7 A case study on call centres BT
WP8 A case study on knowledge management in a virtual enterprise Enersearch
WP9 Information dissimination and take-up of results VU
WP10 Project Management and Exploitation Management VU& BT
WP11 Ontology Management and Reasoning Enhancements SAI

Schedule of Workpackages

The workpackages are scheduled over the 34 months project duration as follows:
