We are very happy to say "OntoText has joined since November 2001." !! OntoText develops ontology middleware and reasoning modules.

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The On-To-Knowledge project successfully pioneers a new line of technology in an area that is highly significant for the competitiveness of companies.

In order to ensure the successful outcome of the project, we have integrated the best partners possible:
  • BT has world-leading research activity in agent-based information retrieval and knowledge management
  • CognIT and AIdministrator are highly innovative small-sized companies with advanced technology on extracting and representing semantics of unstructured and semistructured documents
  • Vrije Universiteit and AIFB are leading Universities in the areas of Knowledge Management and Ontologies
  • Swiss Life Information Systems Research Group is highly engaged with developing advanced IT solutions to improve and support business work
  • Enersearch provides an excellent test case on virtual enterprises spread over Europe
  • OntoText lab., a division of Srima AI Ltd., has strong experience both in implementation and in theoretical aspects of knowledge engineering.

This consortium provides the critical mass of excellent partners covering all aspects required for a successful solution to knowledge management.
The consortium partners play three different roles:

  • Primary are three application partners: BT (call centre), Swiss Life and Enersearch. Each of these organisations have identified the need for methodological and tool-support for knowledge management within their own organisations, and have identified concrete problem-scenario's for which the On-To-Knowledge project should provide solutions
  • Secondary are three productisers: two small enterprises specialising in commercial software-product development and BT. AIdministrator is developing and marketing software for maintenance and visualisation of large information stores, in particular company intra-nets. CognIT is developing and marketing software for automatic concept-extraction from documents in natural language. BT is leading in developing agent-based information retrieval and knowledge management solutions
  • Thirdly, two leading academic groups (Free University Amsterdam, and University of Karlsruhe) are involved to supply advanced state-of-the-art knowledge and techniques in the areas of knowledge-management (Karlsruhe) and ontology based knowledge-modelling (Amsterdam). Strong links from previous collaborations already exist between these academic partners and some of the commercial partners